n208= if %color1 = $1 { set %color1 $2 | set %color2 $1 }
n209= else { set %color1 $1 | set %color2 $2 }
n210= if %i < $len(%text) goto nx
n211= return $replace(%temp,$chr(1),$chr(32))
n213=rinsult return $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt first [ n $+ [ $r(0,39) ] ] $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt second [ n $+ [ $r(0,30) ] ] of $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt third [ n $+ [ $r(0,42) ] ]
n340= if ((+t isin $chan($1).mode) && ($me !isop $1)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ Sorry, $1 is +t and you are not opped | altech -a %dis10 $+ You cannot change the topic :( | dh }
n478= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ The F4 to /onotice only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh }
n479= onotice $$?="Enter message"
n481=F5 .timer925 off | .ignore -r *!*@* | altech -a %dis10 $+ Total ignore is OFF | alert
n482=F6 .ignore -tcpni *!*@* | altech -a %dis10 $+ Total Ignore is on. Press F5 to turn it off. | .timer925 0 60 altech -s %dis10 $+ Total Ignore is on. Press F5 to turn it off. | alert
n483=F7 {
n484= ckserv
n485= if %icmpnick = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no nick set for ICMP revenge! | dh }
n486= icmp %icmpnick
n488=F8 ckserv | deopall #
n489=F9 {
n490= ckserv
n491= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ F9 only works while you are on a channel! | alert }
n492= kickban $a3($$1) # | rtb $a3($$1) #
n494=F10 {
n495= if (%urd) altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation is already enabled!
n496= else { set %urd $true | z | altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation enabled }
n497= alert
n499=SF3 {
n500= if (%vote) { unset %vote* | .timer993 off | altech -a %dis10 $+ Vote cancelled! }
n501= else altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no vote in progress!
n502= alert
n504=SF4 {
n505= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Shift-F4 to send a channel message only works when the active windows is a channel window! | dh }
n506= msg # $$?="Enter channel message"
n508=SF9 {
n509= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Shift F9 to ping only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh }
n510= ctcp # PING
n512=SF1 {
n513= if %tvmip = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no address set to look up! | dh }
n514= altech -a %dis10 $+ Looking up %tvmip (there may not be any matches!)
n515= who %tvmip
n516= .timer 1 120 unset %tvmip
n518=SF2 {
n519= if %tvgetports = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no server set to look up ports on! | dh }
n520= altech -a %dis10 $+ Attempting cross-server port list (this may give strange results!)
n521= getports %tvgetports
n523=SF5 {
n524= ckserv
n525= if %ivn = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no nick set for the invite kick! | dh }
n526= if %iva = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ I don't know the address for %ivn :( | dh }
n527= kickbanall %iva %invitemsg
n529=SF6 {
n530= ckserv
n531= if %inv = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no channel set to join! | dh }
n532= join %inv
n534=SF8 ckserv | mkick # all
n535=SF10 {
n536= if (%urd) { set %urd $false | close -m $me | altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation disabled }
n537= else altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation is not active!
n538= alert
n540=realtime {
n541= set %hour $left($time,$calc($pos($time,:) - 1))
n542= set %minute $mid($time,$calc($pos($time,:) + 1),2)
n543= if %hour = 00 return 12: $+ %minute AM
n544= if %hour = 12 return 12: $+ %minute PM
n545= if %hour > 12 { dec %hour 12 | return %hour $+ : $+ %minute PM }
n546= else return %hour $+ : $+ %minute AM
n549=; away stuff
n551=setawaywithnick {
n552= set %tvawaynick $1 | set %awayreason $2-
n553= set %tvsettingaway $true
n554= nick $1
n556=setaway {
n557= ckserv
n558= if %tvawaynick = $null set %tvawaynick $me
n559= if $away = $false remini $mircdirmisc.ini away
n560= .enable #Away | set %amsg $1-
n561= if $1- = %autoawaymsg set %autoset $true
n562= else set %autoset $false
n563= set %temp is away: $1- 6(rec: $+ $chr(32)
n564= if (%awaylog) set %temp %temp ON
n565= else set %temp %temp OFF
n566= if (%pager) { set %temp %temp pager: ON) To summon me, type /CTCP %tvawaynick PAGE | .enable #page }
n862=topicok if ((+t isin $chan($1).mode) && ($me !isop $1)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ Sorry, $1 is +t and you are not opped | altech -a %dis10 $+ You cannot change the topic :( | dh }